Roadtrip 2023 Fall : Richland - Bend - Reno - Mammoth Lakes - Henderson - Donkey Heaven - Sedona - Joshua Tree - Paso Robles - St Helena - Brookings - Seaside

Day 15 - Mount Nutt Wilderness - Cave Spring Trailhead

Cave Spring Trailhead, complete with The Rules and Regulations. Being BLM, there are practically no Rules and Regulations. They want you to take water. No motorized vehicles. That's about it.

The Team stamps off towards the canyon.

Craggy cliffs abound.

These alien bugs are believed to have escaped from Area 51 a few years ago. They have started a colony in the Wilderness. Their long-term plans remain unknown.

Ella finds a barrel cactus. She is very pleased with herself.

Wild and wonderful - colours and patterns.

These are alien pods, also escaped from Area 51. They are capable of replicating humans into emotionless robots, as depicted in the shocking 1956 documentary film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Do not approach pods, or blank-faced people in the vicinity of pods.

Ella finds an Abstract Art.

Yuccas is bloom - and catching the last rays in close to the grand massif.

A speck of red in the landscape. Must be alien.

The Cave Spring is waaay up there somewhere. The trail is hard to find and very rough.

Golden Valley waaay below.

Angry cloud.

For another trip: that cave is probably accessible by following the canyon floor below.

Even massifs need to let off a little steam from time to time.

The wilderness has inexhaustible views.

Lenticulars over Golden Valley.

The hills really are golden at this time of day.

Sunset is approaching - time to scamper out of here.

A few clouds have shown up today to provide us with a spectacular end of day light show.

Sunset Scenes indeed.

Meanwhile on the other side of the valley - we're treated to moon - rising fromt he clouds. Our satellite dish is desperately trying to make contact with the mooner folk.





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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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